I always wondered why Brainiac never coveted biology such as Supes' or hell, even Lobo's, considering how weak his various bodies are typically shown to be in comparison.
You'd think he'd value the strength + regen combo of Lobo or the added bonuses that Supes' abilities would grant in conjunction with his intellect.
I mean, I suppose there were a few instances of Brainiac like, proving that Supes' mind was severely lacking the processing power + storage space that he needs to operate and thus would be a "downgrade" if he took over the body of a kryptonian; but even then, there are other ways to assimilate that genetic code that I've already thought about, and have even considered applying to my own characters.
Lobo's genetic code could probably accommodate that kind of processing power, I would imagine...
Anyway, good idea. I always enjoy seeing these kinds of ideas explored.